Break Ground
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One Magical Weekend Focused on Us
Cluster of images depicting Reset weekend.
Fall in love with love again.

Reset is an intimate getaway in a spectacular setting with other couples who are going somewhere and getting somewhere in their relationship.

A thrilling mix of romantic escape and deep work on your relationship, Reset is an unforgettable experience, masterfully designed to help you reconnect, refocus and reimagine your relationship.

It starts with a beautiful luxury destination where ordinary life and time stand still, so you can delve, deal, discover, dine, dance and dream together as a couple.

Immersive. Intensive. Incredible.

Our approach is to create an exquisitely delightful, wildly supportive, deeply transformative relational, emotional and sensory experience where you and your partner can take unhurried time and unworried space to process, plan and play.

Over three paradigm shifting, trajectory setting, destiny defining days, you’ll begin the exhilarating adventure of designing the next chapter of your love story with new clarity, shared vision, and a strategic blueprint for where you want to go next in your relationship.

Reset is a journey back to lost dreams, forgotten promises, first dates and endless possibilities. A secure connection and anchored belonging. Before the wounds. Behind the armour. Beyond the grind.

Cluster of images depicting Reset weekend.
Dream. Desire. Design.

Great relationship is art. A creative collision. A chemistry of contrasts. Passion and pain. Glorious and gruelling. Sometimes fireworks. Sometimes dumpster fire.

The central question of this weekend is what do you want? For yourself. For your partner. For each other. And how do you get it? How do you want the next chapter of your love story to feel, to flow, to function?

Reset is an exhilarating synergy of people, process and place colliding together to set you up for success—as defined by you and your partner.

The Couples

You are the architect of your relationship. You set the agenda for your weekend experience. For some couples, a tweak. For others an overhaul. For some, the next chapter. For others a new beginning.

Reset is for couples of all status, stripes and stages who share a spark of desire to grow into the partners and lovers they may not yet fully be.

Like the inspiring couples you’ll meet and journey alongside on this magnificent weekend, you and your partner are some version of…

Committed to being together.

Motivated to deepen or your relationship.

Passionate about life and tenacious about love.

Determined to create a strong, safe, satisfying partnership.

Driven by desire for personal growth and powerful connection.

and possibly…

Dissatisfied with some aspect of your relationship.

Distressed, strained, sidelined, or stuck in unhealthy patterns.

Drained from uneven effort, low intimacy, or poor communication.

Disappointed by lost dreams and forgotten promises.

Restless, stale and lonely, despite being together.

The Sessions

Reset sessions are a powerful mix of teaching, coaching, mentorship, storytelling, discussions and exercises. Live, raw, real, in the moment, Reset is not a seminar or workshop. We listen, we engage, we unpack your dreams, unravel knots and create a blueprint for where you and your partner want to go next in your relationship.

Each session is a gold mine, as you delve and discover with your partner, break new ground, and engage with the other couples. You’ll receive vision, clarity, insight, wisdom and resources to launch you into the next chapter of your love story.

Rocket fuel for couples.

It takes rocket fuel to break free from the gravitational pull of our pain, our past and our problems to create and sustain a life and relationship both you and your partner really want, love and enjoy.

You’ll learn master strategies, tools and techniques that immediately improve your relationship and, practiced over time, will predictably and consistently help you…

Create a mutually exciting, empowering, expansive vision for your love and relationship.

Design and inhabit your emotional dream home—a safe, strong, stable refuge where you both feel fully seen, heard, appreciated, accepted, included and embraced.

Align and fulfill your intentions, direction, dreams and desires.

Deal with unaddressed and unresolved conflict and pain without hurting or triggering each other.

Embrace inevitable pain so you can feast on the indelible security, peace and joy of secure attachment and anchored belonging.

Elevate every interaction with your partner into productive, affirming encounters.

Receive and give more of what you both want in life and love, and less of what you don’t want.

Experience sustained full throttled, open hearted, fearless love, passion, excitement, intimacy and connection.

Forge a true partnership anchored in a common foundation, collaboration, connection, confidence and contentment.

Face dark times together and refuse to be divided by them.

Build a deep, rich, long lasting relationship filled with friendship and closeness perfectly balanced with freedom and independence.

Esther and Bill Sangalli
We help couples design exciting, empowering, expansive partnerships.

Reset is a boutique experience that embodies our uncompromising passion for love, friendship, openness, hospitality, quality, excellence, simplicity and a taste for good food.

Every detail gets our personalized attention. Our venues are carefully selected for their warm, elegant atmosphere, exceptional comfort, regional charm, professional service and exquisite food showcasing flavours and ingredients of the region.

Your relationship is the guest of honour. We prepare everything as if welcoming you into our home, so that you and your partner feel seen, cared for and optimally supported as you focus on each other.

Relationship Architects. Explorers of the Heart.

Esther Sangalli is a passionate coach who sees deep into the heart and embraces the best in people, even at their worst.

Certified by the Institute for Coaching Mastery, Esther expertly maps and navigates complex relationships, emotions, and connections between heart, soul, mind and body.

A sharply intuitive coach, fearless explorer of the heart, and tireless champion of love, self care, and harmonious relationships.

Bill Sangalli is a strategic coach and restorative teacher who communicates with deep empathy and acute insight.

Bill is a strategic thinker who distills and articulates complex ideas and emotions into practical steps and workable solutions.

Dealing with his own complex emotional pain, Bill has learned to get to the heart of what’s really going on under the surface of debilitating internal and interpersonal conflicts.

The relationship of your dreams starts with a dream for your relationship.

What relationship dreams do you and your partner want to go after? What are you still craving to experience together? What are you ready to move into in your relationship?

Get away from the every day for a magical weekend focused on the most important relationship in your life. Come make unforgettable memories and transformative plans together, and set a course toward the dreams in your hearts and the relationship of your dreams.

Romantic couple on Reset Weekend.
Your All Immersive Weekend Includes

Group Sessions

Live teaching, coaching, mentorship, storytelling and discussions.

Private Moments

Enjoy the surroundings, services and activities of our host venue.

Social Events

Evenings filled with fun and friendship.

Fine Dining

All your gourmet meals from our host venue’s restaurants or private chefs.

Luxury Spaces

Gorgeous private rooms with ensuite.

VIP Service

Every detail taken care of, so you can focus each other and your relationship.

Prices, availability, itinerary and accommodations vary by destination. See individual weekends for details.
Limited space. Only a few spots available for each weekend.
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Never shared. Never sold.

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Personal Enquiries
Media Enquiries
General Enquiries
info@breakground.ca613 515 1275
Ottawa, Ontario